I discovered Stanley Kubrick at my local video store when I was a teenager. From the day I saw 2001: A Space Odyssey, my life changed forever. His work became a guiding influence, a reference point, and remained so throughout my career. In terms of sounds, aesthetic and ethos, he has been a constant presence in everything I’ve ever created and it is an honour to be able to pay homage to him through this exhibition.

I first made contact with Stanley Kubrick whilst I was recording my debut album Psyence Fiction under the guise of UNKLE. I tracked down his assistant and asked whether he would be interested in directing a music video, given that the sound, aesthetic and ideology of the record was suffused in his work. I was both thrilled and surprised to hear that he was interested in the idea of the video, but he was busy filming Eyes Wide Shut, and he asked me to contact him again after the film was finished. Sadly, our conversation was never concluded.

Looking back, I still find it fascinating to see the profound influence Stanley’s work had on me as a young artist. I wanted, more than anything, to involve him in the universe I was trying to build.

I can’t think of any other filmmaker whose influence transcends so many creative spheres. From set design, to music, to pioneering film techniques, Kubrick was a true visionary who continues to provide a rich source of inspiration for artists across the board.

It has been a privilege to watch the artists in this exhibition respond to and reinterpret Kubrick’s work, creating everything from sculptures, paintings, installations, music, short films, and even smell! My aim was to produce an immersive experience for the visitor, that I hope will encourage and inspire a new generation to make provocative art that both advances and enhances culture.


James Lavelle